
The Utah Statewide Information and Analysis Center (SIAC) is a collaborative effort between the Utah Department of Public Safety, local law enforcement agencies, and federal agencies to share timely and accurate information to prevent and respond to criminal and terrorist activity. The SIAC is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating intelligence across the state and works closely with federal, state, tribal, and local law enforcement stakeholders to combat crime and terrorism.


The SIAC faced several challenges in sharing intelligence information with their stakeholders. First, they needed a secure platform that could accommodate controlled-access intelligence products. Second, they needed a platform that could provide a searchable repository for stakeholders to quickly access the information they needed. Finally, they needed a platform that was CJIS compliant and could be hosted in a secure environment. Previously, they had been sharing intelligence products with email.


The SIAC turned to Hoozin, a provider of intelligence portal solutions, to develop a platform that could meet their requirements. Hoozin provided the SIAC with an intelligence portal that could accommodate controlled-access intelligence products and provide a searchable repository for stakeholders to quickly access information.

The portal was designed to be secure and comply with CJIS standards, and was hosted on, a cloud-based platform that is specifically designed for government entities. The portal also featured a user-friendly interface that made it easy for stakeholders to access information, and provided real-time updates to ensure that stakeholders had access to the latest intelligence.


The intelligence portal provided by Hoozin has had a significant impact on the SIAC’s ability to share timely intelligence with their stakeholders. The portal has allowed the SIAC to publish a secure, searchable repository of controlled-access intelligence products, which has improved the effectiveness of their efforts to combat crime and terrorism.

The portal has also improved collaboration between the SIAC and their stakeholders, as it provides a platform for sharing intelligence in real-time. Additionally, the portal has reduced the amount of time it takes for stakeholders to access intelligence, which has improved their ability to respond to threats quickly.


The intelligence portal provided by Hoozin has been an effective solution for the SIAC in sharing timely intelligence with their stakeholders. The portal has improved the effectiveness of the SIAC’s efforts to combat crime and terrorism, and has provided a platform for improved collaboration between the SIAC and their stakeholders. The secure, searchable repository of controlled-access intelligence products has reduced the amount of time it takes for stakeholders to access intelligence, which has improved their ability to respond to threats quickly.